Go Viral Community

Welcome to the Go Viral community. Here you can make valuable contacts, meet like-minded people to exchange experiences, ideas and inspiration, as well as create partnerships and collaborate across borders.

Our community is committed to three core values:

  1. professionalism and experience, which implies striving for development, self-development and active civic engagement;
  2. transparency, polite and respectful communication, as well as support;
  3. cooperation, which includes knowledge and experience exchange.

Go Viral is a networking platform for both beginners and experienced professionals, where you can generate innovative ideas and collaborate, promote mentorship and exchange of experience between participants.

For more information on the Community Roadmap, please visit the following link: miro.com/app/board/uXjVPa-lgR0=

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Join the Community
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Be a speaker at Go Night
Find out more about the latest trends in media, business, culture and technology.
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Suggest your topic and your speaker
We are open to any suggestions.
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