#Community-led GoNight in Ashgabat: Personal brand and content types


The first community-led Go Night focused on the topics of effective marketing strategies through content making and production, and thus gathered a lot of enthusiasts interested in startups and business, as well as practicing photographers   and videographers. Participants have noted that the Go Night helped make new business connections via the networking game, and also deepened their understanding of effective content making and SMM. 

As a beginning of the session, the Go Viral presentation was demonstrated to inform new community members about key objectives and activities of the project. In continuation, Anna Saparova, experienced business consultant and entrepreneur with a personal brand spoke on the stages of establishing a sustainable business and shared her own experience of making her hobby a beneficial business. After delivering a speech on the fundamental elements of establishing a business, Maria Kim, SMM and soft skills trainer, told attendees about different types of content, as well as benefits and drawbacks of each of them. She also elaborated on effective marketing strategies, giving examples from her own career. 

Then Q&A session for Maria’s and Anna’s joint presentation was held. Listeners were specifically interested in instruments of effective promotion of personal business and automation of business processes to increase the production output. In conclusion of business-sector part of the meet-up, participants played a game with speakers trying to guess a brand by hearing the Unique trade proposal (UTP). 

Then, the next speaker, Vagan Ayrapetyan, started his presentation with the interactive speech. Having 14 years of experience working all over the globe, he has selected several participants to shoot a video at the same time from different points to later combine them into a single compilation.

As a conclusion, Saparguly Mahtumov, Go Viral Ashgabat volunteer conducted a networking game, during which attendees were tasked to find people with certain experience or skills (Bingo). Among the criteria were: finding those who attended the Go Viral festival last year, have performed on TV, and had an experience of working in mass media.