#GoNight: Youth Social Business Empowerment


GoNight Almaty was dedicated to the theme “Youth Social Business Empowerment”.

This GoNight aimed to inspire and guide young individuals in starting businesses with a social impact. The session provided participants with knowledge, tools, and motivation to embark on the journey of launching a social business and explored how smart assistants (artificial intelligence tools) can reshape business operations, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

The event was opened by Carissa M. Landes, Public Diplomacy Officer at U.S. Consulate General Almaty, and Dinara Isenova, Country Ambassador of the Go Viral project in Kazakhstan.

Share your ideas and knowledge the following speakers:
– Bakhadyr Akhmetzhanov – executive director of Impact Hub Almaty, who spoke about strategies for launching a social business;
-Botagoz Juman is the director of the startup TeenTechEd, sharing how artificial intelligence can improve productivity.

The event ended with active interaction between participants in the O&A session and fruitful networking. The most active participants were awarded souvenirs from the Go Viral team.