in Almaty

How to spend time usefully and emotionally during the Go Viral Festival
However, any festival is nothing without contributions of its participants, i.e. you. So, what to do to spend your time effectively there?
First, Go Viral is a unique platform for networking, to find like-minded people, mentors, opportunities for professional and personal development.
This platform will bring together the coolest representatives of media, technologies, business and culture. So you can easily find professionals who can help you make your projects the best in the region!
Venue: KIMEP University, entrance gates in front of the bus stop in Abai Street
Dress code: Business casual (since it is the festival of professional networking)
Important: Please do not wear high-heels if possible, as the KIMEP campus area is covered with grass and the heels may damage the lawn. Thank you!
Cleanliness and orderliness: Every participant of the festival should keep it clean and orderly, so please take care.
Food: There will be a food court at the festival where you can buy various snacks or drinks.
Extras: Please take care of your health and bring a throw with you as music sessions will take place outdoors and the weather might be cool.
This year’s festival is supported by Chevron, MOST business incubator, Batyrkhan Shukenov Foundation, WeProject, Baribar, Econetwork, 48 Hours Film Project, Obscura company, as well as the American Space & MakerSpace Almaty.
But even if you didn’t have time to register, you are welcome anyway! You can register onsite at check-in counters available outdoors.
Keep in mind that offline registration closes on June 26 at 12:00, and the festival will be unavailable to all unregistered participants after 14:00.
Important: Take a name tag and write your name on it (be sure not to lose it for three days of the festival).
You can find a QR link for the detailed programme on the reverse side of the name tag. Now you have the name tag and wrote your name on it? Great! It’s time to read the navigation signs now.
- Almaty
- Bishkek
- Dushanbe
- Ashgabat
- Tashkent
- Houston
It is important to remember that this year’s festival is aimed at strengthening the community so that all of our participants and guests can meet each other and make friends.
So once you have registered and explored the venue, feel free to enter some information on the networking wall.
- Go Work (leave your business card if you want to find a job or traineeship)
- Go Mentor (leave your business card if you are looking for a mentor)
- Go Сooperate (leave your business card if you offer opportunities/work)
- Go Team (if you have an idea! Looking for a team/people)
Choose what suits you best, and be sure to leave “your mark” as we call it. We also encourage you to be proactive, find and share business cards during the festival (what other opportunity will you have if not at this festival?).
The programme will consist of:
- Panel discussions, where you can listen to panel speakers, ask your questions, and possibly find a solution to your problem or get motivated to take on new challenges.
- Master classes, workshops, where you can boost your skills. For example, work with influencers (day 1), make films in a limited time period (day 2), learn the basics of blockchain (day 3).
- Games and field quests on relevant topics
- Ongoing activities from our partners throughout all festival days (time) in the campus, where you can have a lot of fun
- Music sessions, DJ sets, art performances, and NFT exhibition of modern art, and TechLab, as well as demo games from Kazakhstan-based developers. All these sessions will be interesting for both adults and children, so take your younger siblings, nephews, nieces, and kids with you.
Oscar Garcia is our special guest. He’s the founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of Aspira Consulting, a Silicon Valley company. At the festival, Oscar will tell about how start-ups can develop without investments. Together with Kazakhstani business angels, he will take part in the start-up expo, where start-up founders will be pitching their projects and get feedback from experts.
Write down insights from the speakers, ask your questions to the speakers between sessions, or post them all to your social media to make sure you don’t lose anything.
Contests and social media
Post your stories, post your notes, tag and be sure to tag #GoViralFestival2022 #SearchInventSolve #GoViralAlmaty
Be active in the contest and win:
- 1st place – smart watch + merch
- 2nd place - tripod + merch
- 3rd place – wireless charger + merch
We need your feedback and comments every day, after every session. It will help us improve our work, project and further events.
DJ Kokonja
Hall: Bishkek
Panel Discussion
Language: Russian
Zahira Begaliyeva
Almas Ordabaev
Yelzhan Kabyshev
Gulnaz Korzhakova
Hall: Ashgabat
Panel Discussion
Language: Russian
Gulmira Kusainova
Ulpan Ramazanova
Daniyar Kosnazarov
Marina Sharipova
Hall: Dushanbe
Panel Discussion
Language: Russian
Evgeny Mukhametzhanov
Aset Musaev
Pakizat Saylaubekova
Daniyar Bakimov
Hall: Tashkent
Panel Discussion
Language: Russian
Anel Moldakhmetova
Anara Shardarbek-Makhmetova
Dauren Tyuleev
Dauren Shotanov
Aigerim Kapar
Hall: Almaty
Bootstrapping for Startups
Oscar Garcia
Hall: Bishkek
Master class
Language: Russian
Sanzhar Myrzagalym
Hall: Almaty
Master class
Language: Russian
D Billons
Cholponay Kenjekulova
Ernest Umetaliev
Hall: Dushanbe
Master class
Language: Russian
Alim Hamitov
Hall: Tashkent
Lecture | Workshop
Language: Russian
Kamila Narysheva
Nargiz Shukenova
Aysulu Toyshibekova
Ruslan Yakupov
Elmira Kakabaeva
Gaukhar Kozhasheva
How to work with influencers?
Hall: Ashgabat
JKS Entertainment
Beksultan Kazybek
Abylaikhan Syzdykuly
Hall: Houston
Women's Entrepreneurial Activist & Brand Strategist
Meagan Ward
Tori Park
Soul Note
Nurbek Maksotov
Hall: Almaty
Language: Russian
Sergey Lopatin
Hall: Dushanbe
Language: Russian
Vyacheslav Abramov
Hall: Tashkent
Language: Russian
Alexandra Akkirman
Hall: Bishkek
Language: Kazakh
Ruslan Jubanysh
Hall: Almaty
Language: Russian
Medet Turin
Hall: Dushanbe
Language: Russian
Gulnar Nauryzbai
Hall: Tashkent
Language: Russian
Aydana Toktarkyzy
Hall: Bishkek
Panel discussion
Language: Russian
Batyrkhan Suleimenov
Anel Moldakhmetova
Zhanat Aitleu
Zhanna Snuper
Adil Nurmakov
Nurbek Maksotov
Hall: Almaty
Language: Russian
Zhaina Sultanova
Meruyert Kenessova
Hall: Dushanbe
Language: Kazakh
Nazgul Kozhabek
Hall: Tashkent
Master class
Language: Russian
Ainura Koshoeva
Hall: Bishkek
Master class
Language: English with a translation into Russian
Donald Townsend
Hall: Almaty
Master class
Language: Russian
Maxat Bekes
Gleb Abdullin
Hall: Dushanbe
Language: Kazakh
Bibarys Seitak
Hall: Tashkent
Language: Kazakh
Dana Kamzabek
Hall: Bishkek
Master class
Language: Russian
Andrey Manuylov
Alan Talkenov
Karim Kadyrbayev
Hall: Almaty
Lockpick Village
Medet Turin
Hall: Tashkent
Guide for publishers "How can I become a publisher"
Raisa Sairan-Kader
Nurmukhamed Ibraev
Mukhtar Erlan
Baskozhaev Nuraskhan
Ruslan Mavlyudinov
Anton Dubinin
Main stage
Andrey Manuilov
Karim Kadyrbaev
Alan Talkenov
Main stage
Film and animation room
Hall: Ashgabat
Language: Russian
Hall: Almaty
Language: Russian
Rustem Bigari
Hall: Dushanbe
Language: Kazakh
Zhanserik Tleukhan
Hall: Tashkent
Panel Discussion
Language: Russian
Rustem Nurbaev
Didar Smagulov
Bakht Niyazov
Temerlan Kairzhanov
Konstantin Kudryashov
Andrey Kokov
Hall: Bishkek
Language: Kazakh
Aygerim Kataeva
Hall: Almaty
Master class
Language: Russian
Konstantin Kudryashov
Hall: Tashkent
Master class
Language: Russian
Kanat Mustafin
Language: Russian
Outdoor Quest
Hall: Bishkek
Master class
Language: Russian
Rustem Nurbayev
Hall: Bishkek
Master class
Language: Russian
Azat Bekmagambetov
Hall: Dushanbe
Master class
Language: Russian
Trainer: Esimkhan Zhalelov
Ninety One
Podcasters' room
Hall: Ashgabat
Language: Kazakh
Location rental service
A business trip organization platform that gives access to all hotels in Kazakhstan through a single contract with online booking and online provision of closing documents
A high-tech multilingual educational blockchain platform for providing online learning opportunities
iDos Games
Ecosystem of mobile games running on the Play2learn model
Esports platform for AI competitions on Solan. GameFI is a project with a unique gameplay
An old and beloved service by all gamers, digitally redesigned with the GameFi economy
Continuous sessions throughout all three days
DIY Sewing LEDs - everyone will practice sewing LEDs and Resistors. We will sew hardware that has metal lead sequins to fabric using conductive threads.
DIY Mini learn to solder kits - MS Almaty will provide soldering stations to practice soldering mini LED kits.
Lego robots - playing with sumo lego robots.
Button Making - everyone will have a chance to do button pins themselves.
June 25 - dance workshop from Funky Dance choreographers.
June 26 - art performance that combines painting and dance
The result of the performance will be digitized and published as NFT product.
Subscribe to our social media pages to learn all updates!
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