Parvina Sultonmamadova

Parvina holds a degree in World Economics from the University of Central Asia (UCA). She managed to try many different fields, but two years ago decided to start her journey in the world of technology and business.

Parvina joins the amazing Go Viral team and is ready to share exciting 25th chapter of her life with you.

She holds a diploma in World Economics from the University of Central Asia (UCA), and has tried many different fields: debate, environmental activism, mentorship. However, two years ago she made a decision to start her journey in the world of technology and business. Now it seems that she have found her true passion.

I look forward to seeing you at Go Viral events. Let’s meet and together make an important contribution to the development of our society.

She is inspired by exploring our world. What inspires you? Share your comments on Go Viral social platforms.

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