ONLINE GO NIGHT: Freelance: A guide to building your remote career


An online GoNight Central Asia (CA) aimed at exploring freelance opportunities and remote work beyond traditional jobs. We created a hub for both experienced freelancers and those interested in remote work to exchange experiences and provide tips. Participants had the opportunity to listen to five speakers from CA countries and ask questions. Some speakers crafted quizzes to enhance interaction and encourage attendee participation, offering the chance to give away GoViral merch to the winners.

The event started with opening remarks by Abakhon Sultonazarov, IWPR Regional Director in Central Asia, and Carissa Landes, Public Diplomacy Officer at the U.S. Consulate General in Almaty. Moderator Bermet Dostmambetova led everyone through the agenda and rules. This was followed by a presentation from Parvina Sultonmamadova, Ambassador in Tajikistan, highlighting the key activities and opportunities of the Go Viral project for participants in 2024, including the 48HFR contest and the Go Viral Regional Festival in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Initially, Saya Mutanova, a speaker from Kazakhstan, gave a presentation titled “Mastering LinkedIn: Pro Tips for Job Hunting.” During her presentation, she discussed the relevant tools on LinkedIn for discovering remote job opportunities and freelance gigs. Mastering LinkedIn proved to be not only engaging for young professionals but also beneficial for established individuals in the field.

After Fotima Nakibova, a speaker from Tajikistan, delivered her presentation titled “What Are the Common Expectations and Reality in the World of Freelance?” She shared insights into major freelance opportunities within Central Asian markets, giving specific examples from cases in Tajikistan. The speaker also engaged in a brief interaction with the audience, addressing their questions.

Furthermore, Adilet Melis, a speaker from Kyrgyzstan, addressed key mental health challenges faced by freelancers in his presentation titled “Mental Health for Freelancers.”  He explained issues such as procrastination and loneliness associated with remote work. The speaker actively engaged with attendees, who utilized the Zoom chat to share their opinions and ask questions. The outcome of the presentation was that many individuals resonated with this topic, recognizing the importance of mental health.

Next, the speaker from Turkmenistan, Ilyas Seisov, presented on the topic “Content Marketing Secrets for Freelancers: How to Double Your Client Base.” The session focused entirely on content marketing secrets and tools. The speaker also prepared a quiz on Mentimeter for attendees to play after his speech. The winner, with the first and highest score, will receive GoViral Merch.  Participants appreciated insights into content marketing strategies and engaged well with the interactive quiz, showcasing a strong interest in enhancing their freelancing skills.

The final speaker from Uzbekistan, Sevara Khosiyatkulova, in her presentation titled “Personal Brand and Online Career” shared valuable resources for finding customers online and discussed the benefits of having a personal brand in an online career. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice. The speaker answered all questions fully and also prepared a quiz on Mentimeter for participants to play after her presentation. The winner will receive GoViral Merch. In addition, she announced a remote job opportunity for marketing specialists, encouraging participants to share their CVs. This offered not only insights into personal branding but also a chance to connect and find remote work.

During the interaction, speakers selected the most interesting question and active participant who would receive GoViral Merch. As a result, three participants will be presented with GoViral Merch after the event.

Congratulations for winning merch Go Viral to

  • Ruslan Anikin from Kazakhstan
  • Mokhinur Erkinova from Uzbekistan
  • Zulfikor from Tadjikistan

A significant part of the event involved interaction with speakers and networking with attendees. Many participants and speakers shared their LinkedIn profiles to connect, contributing to the regional connectivity goal.